Theft Crimes

Choose a Theft Crimes Attorney Who Will Help You Resolve Your Case as Quickly as Possible

Facing any criminal accusation is difficult. Doing so on your own can be truly disheartening. If you are facing a theft crime charge, then you need an attorney who will be on your side from day one. No matter how minor or serious your charge is, you can count on Simmons Wagner, LLP to help. Call us now at (949) 439-5857 to set up your consultation.

There is Help for You No Matter What Theft Crime Charge You Are Facing

If we were to provide a list of every possible theft crime, it would be a long list indeed. At Simmons Wagner, LLP, we have an in-depth knowledge of theft crimes cases that can only come with decades of experience. Some of the types of cases we have experience with include:

  • Petty Theft
  • Identity Theft
  • Forgery
  • Bad Checks
  • Fake IDs
  • Auto Burglary
  • Altering a VIN Number
  • Grand Theft
  • Embezzlement
  • Breaking & Entering
  • Burglary
  • Possession of Burglary Tools
  • Shoplifting

Are you facing a theft crime that you do not see listed here? Don’t worry – just call us at (949) 439-5857 to see how we can help.

Do Not Let a First Offense Ruin the Rest of Your Life

The truth is that many people commit a crime out of ignorance or due to a one-time lapse of judgment. If they can get mercy from the court system, they might be able to move on and be a law-abiding citizen. However, when the system throws the book at them, they could be setting them up for a criminal life. Why? Because the stigma of a theft conviction can ruin a person’s future job prospects.

There is no reason for this. When you choose Simmons Wagner, LLP, you are choosing a firm that is experienced in finding creative solutions to complicated legal issues. If you are facing charges due to a temporary lapse in judgment, we might be able to work with the courts to have the charge dropped in exchange for community service, counseling, restitution to the victim, or some combination of these elements.

Common Defense Options for Theft Crimes

Just as there are many different theft crimes, there are many defense options to these charges. The right option will depend on what you are charged with, the evidence against you, your criminal history, and the specifics of the case. Some common defense options for crimes include:

  • Specific Intent: In all theft charges, one element that the prosecution is required to prove is that the defendant had specific intent to commit the crime. If the prosecution cannot prove that you had specific intent to commit the theft crime you are charged with, then you should not be found guilty.
  • Asportation: This is just legalese for completing the theft. In short, you must have actually “carried away” what you are accused of stealing. There are three elements to proving asportation: the goods must have been severed from the owner, the goods must be in possession of the accused, and the property must have physically moved, if only a little. If we can prove that any of these three factors are not true then this element has not been proven for the prosecution.
  • Claim to the Property. If you truly believe you have a right to the property – even if that belief is a mistake or unreasonable – it is a defense to the charge of theft.
  • Of course, you cannot be guilty of theft if the property in question was yours all along.

When you contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857, we can help you determine the right defense option for your particular charges.

These Three Defenses Will Not Work Against Theft Crimes

It is often the case that an accused party will assume that one of these three defenses will work to show they are not guilty:

  1. You were not going to benefit from or use the property. This does not matter. If you took property without the intention of using it, that is irrelevant. If you took the property with the intent to permanently deprive the person you took it from, it does not matter what you intended to do with it later.
  2. You did not steal it from the owner. Again, this does not matter. The victim of the theft does not have to be the actual owner – they only have to be in possession of whatever the item is.
  3. You were going to give it back. Known in the law as “intent to restore the property,” it does not matter if you took the item and then claim you were going to give it back, if you removed it from the person who possession of it, then you can be found guilty of theft.

Depending on the specifics of your case, you could face jail time, fines, and other consequences for a theft crimes conviction. Contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857 now to request a consultation and find out how you can defend yourself.