Professional License Defense

Protect Your Reputation and Livelihood with Our Professional License Defense Services

At Simmons Wagner, LLP, we understand that your professional license is not just a piece of paper – it’s a testament to your expertise, dedication, and hard work. When faced with allegations of misconduct, medical or healthcare fraud, your license and reputation are on the line. Having your license revoked can have drastic implications on your life. Thankfully, our seasoned legal team is here to provide unwavering support and strategic guidance in Professional License Defense Cases. 

How Can an Accusation of Medical or Healthcare Fraud Impact Your Professional License?

If you receive a formal accusation from your Board or Bureau, you need to contact a professional license defense attorney right away. This is true even if you think you may be contacted because of an error or omission. That is because the State Boards are obligated to “protect the public” and often this leads them to act vindictively to revoke or deny your license.

The Board and its investigators often act aggressively and without your best interest in mind when pursuing their case. With consequences that include revocation, suspension, or other severe discipline, you need to act quickly to retain a skilled professional license defense attorney that can help protect your livelihood. 

Unparalleled Expertise in Medical and Healthcare Fraud Defense

Many professionals do not appreciate the long reach that their state board has, but the truth is that any allegation of medical fraud or healthcare fraud, no matter how seemingly minor, can ruin the career you’ve built. These allegations can impact your career, reputation, and future prospects.

At Simmons Wagner, LLP, we know how crucial it is to fight healthcare fraud and medical fraud cases. Our professional license defense attorneys possess an in-depth understanding of the intricate legal landscape surrounding medical fraud and healthcare fraud.

We regularly represent and defend licensed professionals throughout the State of California, including:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • LVNs
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Acupuncturists
  • Veterinarians
  • And many others

At Simons Wagner, LLP, we make it our priority to do everything within our ability to help you keep your professional license.

Unwavering Support from Top Professional Defense License Attorneys

Navigating the complexities of professional license defense requires insight and foresight. At Simmons Wagner, LLP, our attorneys provide clear, strategic guidance, ensuring you’re equipped to make informed decisions throughout the legal process. We understand that no two professional license defense cases are alike and ensure that all our clients get personalized attention.

With Simmons Wagner, LLP on your side, you can expect us to:

  • Meticulously examine the evidence and details of your case
  • Navigate the legal intricacies of dealing with the Board under the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA)
  • Craft a strategic approach to challenge the allegations and safeguard your professional license

Our dedicated team of attorneys leaves no stone unturned when investigating your medical or healthcare fraud case. Don’t fight your professional license defense case alone. Let Simmons Wagner, LLP fight to negotiate a favorable outcome for you. 

Contact Simmons Wagner, LLP Today for Professional License Defense Services

If you’re facing professional license defense challenges related to medical or healthcare fraud allegations, trust the expertise of Simmons Wagner, LLP. We are committed to safeguarding your reputation, livelihood, and professional future. Contact us today at (949) 439-5857 to schedule a confidential consultation and take the first step towards securing a formidable defense for your professional license. Your future is our priority, and we are ready to fight for it.