Laguna Beach CA

Laguna Beach CA

The main industry in Laguna Beach CA is tourism. More than six million people visit the area each year to see events like the Festival of Arts, Pageant of the Masters, Sawdust Art Festival, Kelpfest, and the Bluewater Music Festival. The population of this seaside resort city is around 22,000 and Laguna Beach CA has a mild climate all year long, scenic coves, many artists in the community, and numerous scenic coves. If you are in need of a criminal defense attorney in Laguna Beach CA, then you will be glad you have found Simmons Wagner, LLP. With many years of experience, a commitment to our clients, and an open, non-judgement staff, we are uniquely suited to help you. Call us today if you need a consultation regarding DUI, domestic violence, murder charges, or other criminal defense needs in Laguna Beach CA.