Learn How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You if You Are Facing Charges of Elder Abuse in California

Learn How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You if You Are Facing Charges of Elder Abuse in California

Are you troubled by the possibility of being charged with elder abuse in California? Are you looking for an attorney who is intelligent, has a lot of experience, and works very hard? You need to work with Simmons Wagner, LLP.

Our attorneys have the zeal necessary to demonstrate your innocence or secure the most lenient feasible punishment for your elder abuse case, regardless of whether you are an individual who is attempting to defend him or herself or a corporate body such as a nursing home. Call us now at (949) 439-5857 for a legal consultation.

Work with an Elder Abuse Attorney

Have you been contacted by the Facilities Enforcement Team recently, in the event that you represent a corporate entity? It conducts investigations and brings criminal charges against corporate enterprises that are accused of providing insufficient care to citizens. Investigations are conducted into 1,340 different entities in the state of California to make certain that elder abuse is not occurring or is not continuing to occur.

This encompasses both hospitals and residential care facilities in addition to skilled nursing homes. The following are some examples of allegations that could potentially lead to charges of misdemeanor or felony elder abuse:

  • There is not enough available staff to cater to the requirements of senior patients.
  • Modifying or fabricating the medical records or charts of a patient.
  • Not appropriately addressing issues related to hygiene.
  • Failing to offer adequate medical care for both physical and mental health.
  • Failing to avoid starvation and dehydration.

Or, have you received a response from APS? Adult Protective Services is a program that operates in a manner analogous to that of Child Protective Services. It conducts investigations into accusations of elder abuse and, if necessary, prosecutes and brings individuals who abuse an elderly person before a court of law.

There Are Options Available to You

When you are accused of mistreating an elderly person, you may feel as though you are trapped in a bind, with nowhere to turn and no one on your side. This is a common perception. However, elder abuse attorney Simmons Wagner, LLP will be at your side throughout the entirety of the process, providing you with an explanation of the charges and defending you in court.

Regardless of the nature of the accusation, everyone deserves their day in court. If you hire Simmons Wagner, LLP to represent you in your elder abuse case, you won’t be sorry you did. Call (949) 439-5857 now for a consultation.