Could the Medications You’re Taking Have Affected Your BAC Levels During a DUI Stop?

Could the Medications You’re Taking Have Affected Your BAC Levels During a DUI Stop?

Could the Medications You’re Taking Have Affected Your BAC Levels During a DUI Stop?

Your BAC levels may be impacted by some drugs. Some drugs could give the impression that you have a higher BAC than you actually do. These drugs include, as examples aspirin, a few antibiotics, a few inhalers and asthma medicines, as well as oral gels containing Anbesol.

Be aware that certain substances and drugs contain alcohol on their own. These could cause a false positive on a breath test if consumed. Examples include OTC cold medications (such as Nyquil and Vicks products), breath fresheners, mouthwashes (many of which do include ethanol), and sedatives.

Other drugs can also have side effects that resemble alcohol intoxication. Drowsiness, sedation, and impaired motor function are some of these adverse consequences. Some examples of such drugs are drugs for ADHD and anxiety, sedatives, muscle relaxants, and antihistamines.

If you have been charged with a DUI, it is important to work with a DUI attorney who can consider every factor of your arrest to find the best way forward. Contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857 to request a consultation and get legal help today.

There are other elements that can affect your BAC

Following a stop for drunk driving, a number of other events may have an impact on the results of a breath test and BAC levels. They include the fact that alcohol metabolism normally moves more quickly in men than in women, the fact that if you don’t eat anything before consuming alcohol, you’ll experience its effects more quickly, and the effect of a person’s weight and rate of alcohol consumption on their BAC.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol quickly usually results in a greater BAC rate than when drinking slowly over a longer period of time. Generally, BAC levels will decrease as a person’s weight increases.

There are portable tests you can use on your own

You can purchase portable alcohol testers for individual usage. So you may use the portable tester to determine your BAC, for instance, if you go out and consume four glasses of wine in two hours. Please be aware, however, that these tests are not as accurate as those used by law enforcement to detect your alcohol use and how it affects your body.

However, you can still use them to compile helpful baseline data about your own blood alcohol levels.

Is there anything you can do to reduce your BAC?

No, not really. There are no foolproof methods to hasten your body’s alcohol metabolism. The only genuine technique to assist lessen your alcohol levels is to let time pass. Generally speaking, the more alcohol you consume, the longer it takes your body to remove it from your system.

Can a DUI case be affected by your BAC levels?

Yes. The per se legal limit in 49 U.S. states is .08%. This means that if your BAC is .08% or more, you may be arrested for DUI. Keep in mind that Utah is the only state with a .05% per se legal limit. Also keep in mind that if you are arrested for DUI with “high” BAC levels, your DUI consequences may become more severe.

For instance, according to California law, a BAC of .15% or greater is considered excessive. In comparison to situations when your BAC was under .15 %, you will face harsher DUI consequences if you are arrested for DUI at these levels. In contrast, Idaho law specifies that a BAC result of .20% or greater constitutes an excessive level. With a BAC at these levels, you will face more severe DUI charges.

If you are facing any DUI charges, or other California criminal charges, contact Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857 for a free legal consultation.