A Domestic Violence Attorney in Irvine CA Answers: How Likely is It to Beat a Domestic Violence Charge?

A Domestic Violence Attorney in Irvine CA Answers: How Likely is It to Beat a Domestic Violence Charge?

A Domestic Violence Attorney in Irvine CA Answers: How Likely is It to Beat a Domestic Violence Charge?If you have been charged with any type of domestic violence, your best option is to talk to a domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA. At Simmons Wagner, LLP, we can help you fight these charges and find the best possible outcome. Call us now at (949) 439-5857 to get started.

There are a number of potential defenses a domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA might use

Know that the accused can utilize a variety of legal defenses to beat or minimize a charge of domestic violence. Here are a few examples:

  • The claimed victim’s injuries were caused by an accident
  • The injuries were not caused by the defendant’s activities
  • The defendant was acting in self-defense
  • The defendant was defending someone else
  • The defendant was unfairly accused.

A skilled domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA may sometimes negotiate a plea deal to a lower offense in domestic violence cases. A defendant might avoid the stigma and bad repercussions of a domestic violence conviction by pleading guilty to a lesser charge.

A pre-trial diversion program might be an option

Another legal approach employed by a California domestic violence lawyer is to try to get the alleged batterer into a pre-trial diversion program or a delayed entry of judgment. If the defendant successfully completes a batterers’ program under pretrial diversion, the charges will be dropped, and the case will be closed for most purposes.

A person can be wrongfully accused for many reasons

Keep in mind that occasionally people are mistakenly accused of domestic violence due to anger or envy, a desire to gain an advantage in a divorce or child custody case, or any other motivation frequently cited by the accused victim.

In domestic violence situations, may a defendant plead guilty to lower charges?

A skilled domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA may be able to work out a deal for a reduced charge. A defendant might avoid the stigma and bad repercussions of a domestic violence conviction by pleading guilty to a lesser charge.

Domestic violence defendants may be able to plead to two of the most frequent lesser offenses: criminal trespass or disturbing the peace, are both examples of criminal trespass. Pleading guilty to these charges means there will be no automatic loss of custody rights, no deportation or inadmissibility for non-citizens, and no deportation or inadmissibility for non-citizens.

If you are facing domestic violence charges, request a free legal consultation by calling Simmons Wagner, LLP at (949) 439-5857.